Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Uptight io i4 o5



The Arches, Glasgow, Scot 

Up-Tight are a noxious young trio from Tokyo, all acolytes of the legendary Japanese psych group Les Rallizes Denudes, who augment their sound with crushing, Sabbath-styled dynamics, earsplitting acid leads and beautiful Velvets-inspired ballads. If song structures are mostly kept loose, allowingfor lots of noisy improvisation, generarlly the disc is anchored by heavy riffs. Just when you thought you'd got to grips with Tokyo's paradigm destroying psych scene,this one hits like a sucker punch.
---From Review On Wire(UK) --- ....

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aud ecm-719>mz-N710 –42 min

 Uptight io i4


  1. mike thanks for the recent killer sets!, this the jandek/corsano, the lazro/minton.... not publishing comments eh..
    keep well

  2. yeah, got tired of the spammers, so went to captcha's ok, but it does slow down the comments for sure

    bacatcha, thanks for the great stuff on inconstant!
