Monday, March 21, 2011

Caroliner Rainbow 10-29-93 GAMH SF CA

Caroliner Rainbow
GAMH SF CA (I like writing all them abbreviations)

A nice early version of Caroliner! I’ve been fortunate enough to see them a couple times, fantastic show both to hear and to see.
When I saw them, they had Grux from Rubber-0-Cement and Ava Mendoza with them, but I think this set is too early for them to have been in it (Ava would have been in grade school?), but because of the costumes, it’s kind of impossible to say. I think Hans Grusel’s Krankinkabnet also shares some personnel. Call this art noise rock or psychedelic punk blue grass? At any rate, see these people if and when you can.

DOWNLOAD links as follows, copy and paste into your browser, lossless flac files

no megaupload anymore, but I can reup and send a link to individuals on request, let me know, I'll keep the megalink below, just in case it comes back somehow

caroliner 10 29 (287.28 MB)\



  1. Anonymous2:40 PM

    I would really apreciate if you could put up anything by them.

  2. look for it in about a week. did you manage to grab this one before mega went down?

  3. Anonymous2:34 PM

    Fortunatly yes. But I been looking around for more and there is not much, I didnt know they were so unknown.

  4. found another set, 4/i7/o3, will up that one soon.
    heavily edited, sounds better now!

  5. up today, ehnjoy!

  6. Anonymous3:37 PM

    Thanks mate!

  7. Anonymous3:58 AM

    Just stumbled accross this band, are you able to re-post a working link to the flac files? Thanks in advance for any help.
